(Fix) iPhone could not be synced because this computer is no longer authorised for purchased items that are on this iPhone.

You have to authorize the computer with EVERY apple ID that is used on any of the devices that are being synced.
So for instance, if you have an apple ID that is used for mainly for the phone but then use an alternate apple ID for family share purchases, then you need to authorize the computer (while in the computer's iTunes app) for BOTH AppleIDs. 

How you do this?
  1. Log into your iTunes app on your computer. 
  2. Go to the menu bar.
  3. Select Store.
  4. Select Authorize this computer.
  5. Plug in the apple ID that is associated with purchase for the iTunes account.
  6. Then, do this exact same thing for any other the apple ID tassociated with your device. 

I have absolutely no idea why you need to do this, but it is what resol
